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1947hoppy (Winamac, Indiana, United States) on 03/25/2013:
I had made a submission a couple weeks back inquiring if anyone else had heard about or used oat straw tea. My wife and I have been using it for about a month now for a multitude of reasons. For me, it was for cholesterol. I wasn't sure if or how much it might be working, but recent routine blood work with our doctor for both my wife and myself showed that it works quite well.
My cholesterol has never been as low as it was this time. Total cholesterol had dropped a full 20 points. LDL was down from 101 to 82 and HDL was up from 40 to 56. Triglycerides had dropped from 65 to 45.
My wife's cholesterol had also dropped substantially, but for her the best thing was a 65 point drop in her triglycerides.
We bought it in bulk online, in a 1# bag. We put 2 tblsp in a tea bag and brew it by the pot. I drink most of it, but my wife will drink at least one cup a day. We also add an herbal flavored tea, such as apricot or pomagranate for flavor. The oat straw doesn't have much flavor of its own. My wife also likes to ad a little stevia.
It is relatively cheap. After a month, we have barely put a dent in the 1# bag. There aren't any side effects and its all natural.