Niacin for High Cholesterol

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Phe (Los Angeles, California) on 03/22/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I am happy to report that 1000-1500 milligrams of niacin daily drastically reduced my high triglycerides in just under four months. I am a 41 year old male who was diagnosed with high triglycerides back at end of October 2015. My blood test revealed my triglyceride level was 449 mg/dl (optimal reference range is below 150 mg/dl) which was due in part to being to being overweight, which was a result of poor dietary habits and too much alcohol. Fast forward to February 2016, along with a healthy diet and exercise and the crucial inclusion of daily niacin intake, my triglycerides dropped 80% to 87 mg/dl. I lost about 40lbs in that time but I know that the rapid lowering of my triglyceride level was not only due to weight loss but the niacin which is well-documented for its effect on high triglycerides and cholesterol. Simply stated niacin works.
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Gertg (Tenn, US) on 08/26/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

My cholesterol was inching upward, so I decided to try niacin to bring it down. I got the flush kind because everything I read said that 'no flush, no action on cholesterol'. The first dose (500 mg) I had a reaction--flushing, itching, red all over. Took about 2 hours and I was okay. The next day, I took another dose and had the same reaction only it was gone in 1/2hr or so. Then I missed several days. This morning, I took a dose at 6 a.m. Soon I had the flushing, itching, redness. Got in the shower figuring it would cool me and sooth the itch. Didn't. In fact, I started seeing spots so quickly got out and sat down. It got so bad that I moved from sitting on the toilet to sitting on the floor so I wouldn't fall. I must have passed out, because I don't recall laying all the way down. I then crawled to my bed and laid there for almost 45 minutes. Finished getting ready for work and stretched out on the couch until time to leave. I'm fine now, just some residual itch. Should I not take it anymore? Reduce the dose? Besides being uncomfortable, that was kind of scary. I am thankful that I wanted to try it when I had plenty of time and that DH was there in case I needed more help. Comments? Thanks.

Cindy (Ft Lauderdale, FL) on 11/12/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

High Total Cholesterol, High LDL, High triglycerides, High Lipitor expense, Low bank account balance

All my numbers were greatly improved within 6 months after my visit to . This website focuses primarily on the therapeutic use of niacin. The therapeutic use of niacin is nothing less than miraculous. Even my HDL, which had been my only acceptable lipid number, shot from 65 to 92.

All my other cholesterol numbers are now at healthy levels. I had been spending nearly $100 a month in insurance co-payments for Lipitor before switching to niacin. The little bit of niacin flush is nothing much at all. Especially when a year's supply of niacin costs me only $70.

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