Multiple Remedies for High Cholesterol

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Latte (Oregon ) on 08/19/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

My cholesterol skyrocketed over span of two years. My OBGYN thought it might be because I went off my hormones and put me on low dose plant based hormones Anyhow, the MD told me to get on statins and my ND told me not worry about it because it could just be family genetics. I researched and read Cholesterol Down and simply followed the steps and my cholesterol is back to the low side of the normal range.

1: Eat oatmeal daily I get gluten-free oats.
2: Cut back on eating nuts, eat it in moderation
3: Take Psyllium Fiber or buy them in capsules
4: Eat flaxseeds I sprinkle some on my oats, it's really softened my skin

5: Eat beans
6: Eat apples
7: Take Plant Sterols with your largest meal of the day I take Cholestoff Plus which has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol.
8. Add garlic to your food
10: Exercise we take a quick 30 minute walk daily

Wishing everyone good health.

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Susie (Dublin, Ireland) on 11/07/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I was able to get my cholesterol down from 7.6 to 5.7 (still working on it!! ) by having porridge with oatbran added in the monrings, and taking niacin, a B vitamin that helps the liver from absorbing too much cholesterol. (Also a supplement - all natural - called Zero Chol) .. and ACV as well - and I also avoided surgery for nasal polyps by using colloidal silver, and acv. Brilliant!
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HD (Bothell, WA) on 12/25/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

My reason for visiting this web site right now is for getting information on lowering cholesterol. I am currently using just ACV with grape juice and apple juice. I started out with a lot of ACV, but now have reduced the amount. I will try the 2 cups grape juice, 1 cup apple juice, and 1/4 cup ACV. I will try to dilute it into water, and drink it over two days. I will try this formula for two to three more months before rechecking my cholesterol.

My cholesterol increased from 200 to 212, but my doctor wasn't concerned because my HDL went from 40 to 55, while my LDL reduced from 152 to 149. My triglycerides level is always very low.

I started my regular exercise program using my treadmil, while eating oatmeal in the morning, taking fish oil and flaxseed oil. I also eat salmon and very healthy diet. I will see what will happen in two to three months using ACV remedy. I am hoping for a nice result.


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