Low Carb Diet for High Cholesterol

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Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 01/17/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

All of my cholesterol levels were bad but then improved an average of over 30% by eating a low carb diet. They're all back down in the healthy range. I did not cut down on fats at all, just carbs. I bought a glucose meter and learned how to eat so that my blood sugar stayed under 110 after meals (it usually peaks around 1 1/2 hours after a meal.) I eat about 15 grams of carbs at each meal and I make sure I eat a good portion of protein first to balance it. Yeah, it was some getting used to, but it's not problem now and I don't have any carb cravings or anything. I also took fish oil and drank matcha tea, but I don't think it would have been such a dramatic difference without cutting the carbs. My doc was impressed when he saw the numbers. He said, "What did you do?" :)
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