Iron for High Cholesterol

5 star (1) 

Alice (San Antonio, Tx) on 05/01/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

iron and cholesterol

I have been taking two 47.5 mg iron tablets per day for about 2 months. I started taking iron because my blood was just below the acceptable level for helmoglobin when I went to give blood two different times. I have been on cholesterol medicine for about 10 years. These medicines had brought my cholesterol, when fasting, from average of 323 down to 270 on Jan 13, 2010. After the first month on the iron, my cholesterol (non-fasting, taken at the blood bank)was 242 on March 10, 2010. When I gave blood the next time, April 23, 2010, my cholesterol (non-fasting, taken at the blood bank) was 207. Since I eat a meal just before giving blood, I have no doubt that my cholesterol would be below 200 when fasting.


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