Daily Water Salad for High Cholesterol

5 star (1) 

Science (Cyprus) on 03/22/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Treats Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood pressure, Fatty Liver

Daily Water Salad


I created this curement on my own. This has amazing results. I use this daily salad for at least 12 years, usually 5 to 6 times per week, one time a day (every midday or in the morning). It my keeps all my analysis of Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Blood pressure, cleaned fatty liver, all in normal levels.

Speak with your doctor before using this curement. Use this curement completely on your own responsibility (earthclinic or me, have no responsibility), since this is given as a suggestion.

It works directly for lowering Cholesterol, lowering Triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, cleaning fatty liver.


1 garlic clove (2 grams about)

2-3 grams of onion

4-5 grams of celery

4-5 grams of parsley

4-5 grams of lettuce

Put this in a blender with water. Drink this juice, within 7 minutes, after you get the juice out of the blender (Do not let the juice more than 7 minutes in the glass, without drinking it, since it will weaken its power). Add some extra water after making the juice. You can use the juice in one or two glasses of water (Use two glasses of water in case the taste is difficult for you). It has rather difficult taste, but the results really worth it.

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