Cholestatic Pruritus Remedies for Cholestatic Pruritus

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Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 06/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Chamel, please see if you can find someone who deals in supplements (vit/min, nat. Remedies, etc), and muscle testing, like applied kinesiology, For myself, this works, I know what I'm taking I really need to take, no guess work. And w/ kids, it adds another level of assurence that you aren't harming them w/ drugs and causing life long injury to their organs. For an at home. Extra virgin coconut oil, applied externally after bath before drying is great, it is anti-viral/bacterial/septic and it is soothing to the skin. I also like to add calendula oil. They have a tonic on site, 2 TBS ACV 1/4 tsp Baking soda and 8 oz water ( you can add honey to sweeten if you want, I add just a little of pure stevia) that is a basic liver tonic, just figure out how many times a day she needs to have it to stop the itch. I would still find a natural med. Person so you can know that all deficiencies are being adressed, and also if this is a case, instead, of what she is exposed to, like flouride, chlorine, chemicals used to clean your house, pesticides, HFCS, etc... We have so much in toxins around us and there are easy things we can do to stop it and detox it.
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Missg (Richmond, Pe/canada) on 05/05/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, my father, has a rare liver disease called primary billary cirrosis. His mother and two sisters also had it. His itching was really bad, similar to your daughters. Also, his mom and sisters seemed to be worse. He takes urisol (that spelling is incorrect). His itching is almost gone. The dr did perscribe an anti itch drug, as reactine did not help and is harmful to the liver. He hasn't had to take the anit itch drug in almost a year. The urisol pushes the bile out of the ducts. I hope this helps. It is agony watching them suffer so much. One of my aunts used to get her husband to tie her hands so she couldn't scratch, once she started scratching she couldn't stop.
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Mh (Toronto, On) on 02/11/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Which vitamin(s) does your daughter have inadequate liver stores of? Orthomolecular experts believe that many serious health conditions are the result of some individuals having unusually high requirements (i.e. , metabolic abnormalities) for specific vitamins or minerals. Depending on the regulations where you live, a naturopathic physican may be able to try IV-administered high doses of the vitamin(s) in question. Try a Google search for your region's naturopathic association and look for someone who mentions orthomolecular medicine as an area of practice.