Treat For Mineral Imbalance And Blood Sugar for Children's Remedies

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Dena (Florida) on 07/09/2021
5 out of 5 stars

In the ABC Herbal by Stephen Horne, he says, “one of the greatest problems with nutrition is lack of trace minerals in our food.” And then goes on saying, “we found that giving half a teaspoon of herbal minerals along with a half a teaspoon of licorice root TincTrack just before bedtime to solved a bedwetting problem with both of our sons. It said, “many people have tried all sorts of kidney herbs for this problem with no success but when we heard Dr. Lendon Smith say that Bedwetting can be a blood sugar problem with a mineral imbalance we decided to try this approach. It worked well for us and has since worked well for others.” Lots of people are deficient in minerals these days! Best of luck!