Zinc Oxide Cream for Chilblains

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sarah (Arkansas) on 02/05/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I've found that using zinc oxide has helped me tremendously. I started having this problem with my toes 3 years ago - red bumps, rash and swelling. I could hardly walk and wearing shoes was almost unbearable! No prescription medicines nor anything else I tried seemed to help. Then, as mysteriously as the symptoms appeared, they cleared up as winter ended! The red bumps always start on my 2nd toe, then a rash would appear on all my toes. The 2nd winter, it had spread to two toes when I started using over-the-counter extra strength diaper rash paste with zinc oxide. In the morning after showering, I dry my feet thoroughly, then apply a thin layer of the paste. I apply once per day during the winter months. I also change my socks and/or shoes twice a day and try to avoid extreme temperature changes. This is now my 3rd year dealing with chilblains (which my doctor diagnosed as a fungus) and diaper rash paste works for me!