Warm Compresses, Massaging for Chalazion

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Zalmi (Israel) on 01/02/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks for the advice re Vinegar. This is my first Chalazion and I was getting worried from internet info that it would last weeks. Tea bag compresses didn't help.

After reading your posts, I went to the larder but could only find some Japanese Rice Vinegar. So I figured, maybe .... and dabbed it on the bump, rubbing it lightly with a cotton bud. Almost instantly it opened and the yellow gunk started flowing out. After that, a little blood smear and now it's just an empty swelling. Hope it will be gone by morning.


Nap401 (Omaha, Ne) on 07/19/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hello All- I have had chalazion a couple of times 8 months ago I actually had surgery to remove one on each eye. If you have had them for a while and they start to harden and form a shell over them, then it's to late for hot compress surgery is the only way. I was happy with my surgery, I have a tiny red scar but beats to big red bumps on my eyes. I currently have a chazalion on my lower left eyelid. Went to the doc to confirm and yes she said one is forming. I caught it early so warm compress has helped some but it has only been 3 days since I got my chalazion. You have to get very warm water. I warm up in microwave till nearly boiling and redip every 2 to 3 minutes for a total of 10 minutes. You are suppose to this 7-8 times a day, I know it sucks!! After you compress first thing in the morning grab some baby soap and put a dab on your finger and rub in where the chalazion is forming, repeat after your last compress at night. This will take some time but is really the only way. Trust me I looked for the fastest way possible and there is no such thing. Slow and steady wins the race. I would also suggest artificial tears to help with dryness... GOOD LUCK
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Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 06/11/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have been struggling with allergic reactions to something - with what I suspect is a food allergy - the past several weeks and have been dealing with constant eye infections/irritation, and almost daily eczema flare-ups. Just a few weeks ago, when I arrived in France, I developed a chalazion over my left eye, something I've never had before. I tried applying some tea tree oil over it to no avail. Some days it would go away, some days it would come back with a vengeance. It seemed to worsen when my general allergies worsened. Like another reviewer commented below, there seems to be a connection between the two.

I looked for some remedies on Earth Clinic and the internet and saw that a lot of people recommend warm compresses and massage. I am in France at the moment and some people told me that in France, the cure is to rub the chalazion with a gold ring or gold cross. Strangely enough, the folk remedy is similar in the U. S. , to rub it with a gold wedding ring. It seemed like a strange remedy, but I decided to give it a try. Every day I would rub the area with the back of my gold ring gently. I'm not sure if it's just the massage or if it really matters if the ring is gold or not, but it works. I also applied warm tea bags over the eye several times a day.

Today, the chalazion came to a head, and I sterilized a needle and drained the chalazion myself. It relieved a lot of the pressure and now my eye looks so much better. (However, due to the obvious danger of putting a needle that close to your eye, I seriously warn against it unless you have a steady hand and - like me - you are a contact lens wearer who doesn't flinch when you touch your eye. If you have any doubts, please go to a doctor to drain it professionally. ) I've also been taking coconut oil every day which has stopped a lot of my allergic reactions.

I hope this helps someone else - best of luck, Jennifer


Ry (West Warwick, Ri, Usa) on 02/03/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have had multiple problems with chalazions forming on my eyelids, on and off, for almost 20 yrs. There was a period of about 10 yrs, where I wasn't affected at all, but now, at 41, they have made quite a comeback. There seems to be no warning, and I've had many surgeries to remove them, from the same doctor I went to 20 yrs ago, and one thing I'd like to warn any of you about is.. Scar Tissue. Please note that, over time, and after many removal surgeries, Scar Tissue begins to form, unknowingly, on the inside of the eyelid, and, as in my case, causes problems for the surgeon to remove further chalazions! As I write this, I have another, formed about a wk ago, and from what I now realize, after yrs of warm compresses, and surgeries, and recurrences, I may not be able to have the surgery again! The ever-recurring advice of the "warm compress" and massaging, seems now to be the overall best remedy for chalazions. Even if it doesn't seem to reduce the chalazion at first, I highly recommend several attempts at this, BEFORE resorting to the surgery. Also, if anyone has any other revelations on prevention, or treatment, I am all ears for any further help in this recurring problem. Thank you,

Ryan. (rypuppy1(at)gmail.com)

If any of you are in, or anywhere near new england, I happen to know the BEST doctor in this field, at least locally, and his name is Peter Diblasio, North Providence, RI.