St. John's Wort, Eliminate the Pill for Candida

5 star (1) 

Sandra (Dublin, Ireland) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had four years of constant vaginal infections. I was then put on repeat presciption of diflucan and constant pessaries. Allergy testing for food indicated things like yeast and tomatoe but giving these up made no difference.I gave up the pill at the suggestion of a herbalist and the infections stopped. However, five years later i got a prolapse and I think this was caused by all the infections plus drug filled pessaries I was constantly using that then caused tissue weakness.

I've had thrush candida now twice since (in about a decade) and it's very easy to get rid of with a few drops of Red turkey st john's worth applied internally (i.e topically internally). A canadian herbalist told me about this rememdy and it's an unusual one. She just had nothing else in the house and it made logical sense to her 'cos of it's constituents. it worked for her and it worked for me.

good luck.

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