Probiotics for Candida

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Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Acidophilus can effectively treat garden-varieties candida and yeast infections. Candida can manifest itself in many different ways, but a common way is it proliferates dramatically when antibiotics are taken. When the 'really nasty' things are allowed to proliferate when both good and bad bacteria are killed by antibiotics, that is candida but the doctors won't tell you that or how to fix it, and won't endorse the use of probiotics bc it effectively makes people well very cheaply. If you supplement with acidophilus immediately following an antibiotic course, you will greatly limit your reaction to the antibiotics. I recommend acidophilus/probiotic powders. Tablets and capsules likely have fillers and take longer to take effect.

Soyjim (East Alton, Illinois) on 10/05/2011
5 out of 5 stars

There are probiotics that eat and live on fuguses like candida and yeast. Threelac is one. There maybe others. This stuff costs about a dollar a packet. This is expensive if you use much.

I have found that a probiotic culture can be grown on a medium of food grade brewers yeast and water. Brewers yeast is dead yeast cells that are high in protein and several vitamins and mineral. I have made yogart and buttermilk in the past and growing these cultures is very similar. The result is a sour thin liquid that tastes a little like buttermilk.

currently I use 2 cups of brewers yeast flakes in a gallon of water. To this I add a packet of the probiotics I want to grow. This will create a sour culture in 1 to 3 days. I then refrigerate the jug and drink as needed. In winter I have been culturing the liquid in an oven with the light on. Oven needs to be less than about 110 degrees farenheit.

I don't believe that this is a total cure for systemic candida infection but it is a start and should eliminate candida from the intestinal tract. When first starting this you need to be aware of the Herztheimer effect. Now I drink a cup every few days. I know I am not drinking enough if it causes my stomach to rumble within an hour or 2 of drinking. It does cause my eurin to be more yellow.

Brewers yeast is not delicious, and culturing makes it more sour. It is a good source of protein and nutrients. I get the flakes for about $16 a pound. That is at least 10 cups so I don't think of it as expensive because it is a food that enables me to eat grains and sugar that would not be allowed on a candida restricted diet.

I have been drinking this stuff for several years.

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Jet (Abilene, Kansas) on 05/03/2011
5 out of 5 stars

There is an probiotic that the japanese have developed called (three lac) and or (five lac) that is by far the best probiotic ive ever found for the problem of candiasis... It balanced my system in about three months... Along with taking a pascalite clay and psyillium supplement to clean and detox my intestinal tract. I also take ACV and diatomaceous earth on a regular basis for intestinal problems and black walnut for parasitic cleanses!!!

Ann (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/28/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Candida and beneficial bacteria: I have Candida as I took lots of penicillin over the years. When a friend who is an acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine doctor, began to help me, she had a stool sample sent to Great Smoky Labs. It came back very high for Candida and some of my bacteria was very low. And we need that bacteria in our systems to balance the Candida, and also specific bacteria. So she told me to go to health food stores and purchase the ones I needed and take them before addressing the Candida, to more ensure the Candida would not easily return. Ann

Mona (Vista, CA) on 08/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Probiotics are the best way to aleviate and eradicte Candida yeast infections. These attack people with many different symptoms. I give Threelac to my dog amd takes care of all yeast related problems. Also human consumptable.