Ph Balancing for Candida

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Marvin (West Bloomfleld, Michigan) on 08/09/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Concerning Nail Fungus, Candida and Yeast Growth. Being a man and having candida for over 12 years has been a 3esearch project for natural cures.I have come into contact with hundreds of people, men and women that are living with the result of what I now believe is very curable disease or imbalance. Yes I have treated the result of the internal problem, PH INBALANCE (TOO ACIDIC), NEED FOR COLON AND INTESTINTAL AND KIDNEY CLEANSING. I do not sell anything. I am going to tell my little story that you may relate too.
First , I am a 53 year old white male that has eaten health food almost consistently since he was 20. About 12 years ago I started getting terrible yellow mucus in my throat where I had to spit up all the time with a constant cough. I figured that I had an infection so after a month when it did not go away I went to my doctor of over 20 years and was given antibiotics. I took them and for a few days after, it cleaned up and with a mucus shot to dry me up the coughing stopped too.Unfortunately a week later it came back. So I went back and got a refill and did this for the next year or two with the same results. One day at a health food store, I asked the owner, what should I do? She said it sounds like you have a wheat allergy. I stopped eating wheat right away and the after about 2 weeks the heavy yellow mucus and caughing stopped. It is really heard to not eat any wheat products and heavy yeast products, like beer, especially what beer. (I play a lot of hockey). Anyway I started taking Yeast-Cleanse from Solaray with Caprylic Acid, Pau Darco and Tea Tree Oil, garlic and grapfruit in it and other vitamins. This mixture also helps the pH balance in your system, helping it balance to a pH(potential of hydrogen) 6.5 to 7.5. To acidic would be below and to alkaline would be over. There are many studies concerning this. A great reference article can be found at but there are many articles about yin/yang balance. Well since this last been a too long uncovering of information , the next year I got eczema, psorias too. Which I still have today. I also got bad nail fungus three years ago which I finally got rid of in the last month. Well to tell all of you that I know what has worked the best wouldn't be true but I know that Yin/Yang ph balance is a very big part of it. Wheat allergies are too. The wheat that the the Egyptians harvested is not at all the same wheat that we get. Unfortunately so many foods have been altered for profits. Nothing wrong with profits but people over profits please. So what am I doing right now that is effective , whell of of it and putting in the information that I get from others to get rid of the last remains of my dis-ease. Trying to not eat much dairy, no wheat, internal cleansing, enemas, yeast cleanse from Solaray ( no I am not a rep.) putting hydrogen peroxide , tea tree oil and garlic on the ecxema and psoriasis and trying to stay ph balanced. For me eating a lot of lemons always helps. Thanks