Lufenuron for Candida

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Margaret (Michigan) on 07/20/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hi All,

I have used Lufenuron a couple times and it has cleared up my symptoms of systemic candida. I can even eat sugar with no adverse effect except that after a month or so the candida comes back.

So I recommend it with a candida diet so hopefully the candida will not overgrow again. It was a welcome break from the intestinal discomfort and brain fog. It is a drug and as such has some not good side effects but for me I saw none.

Fermented foods and NO sugar or white flour products. No high glycemic foods. One dose lasted me a good month.

Beware non food grade. Food grade lufenuron is worth the price.

REPLY   2      

Martys (California) on 11/13/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Lufenuron has been demonstrated to help with fungal infections in other studies. Within a few days of taking it, body odor disappeared (a miracle in my mind). If I let 2-3 months lapse between doses, I can tell I've run out of lufenuron because I will notice deodorant doesn't work and I will crave sugar (some say this isn't related to candida, I disagree). I never crave sugar when I've recently had lufenuron. I think it also reduces or all but eliminates acne, although that effect could be because I'm not eating as much sugar. Been using lufenuron for at least 4 years, often forgetting I have it and not taking it monthly, but always recognizing the benefits within a few days of taking it. When the yeast come back, I will begin to think I need to throw my shoes out. Luckily I found a way to spare my shoes and simultaneously instantaneously erradicate the yeast and bacteria in the skin on the bottom of my feet. My trick will hopefully help others. It's easiest with sandals but can work with closed shoes if one proceeds with sensibility. The trick is to mix baking soda about 1:5 with hydrogen peroxide 3% (drug store quality) and squirt (if an absorbent insole, spray) onto the insoles. Insert feet and squish it around then walk around for a few minutes. It makes my feet so fresh and the shoes smell better than new. This should be used carefully because some could have sensitivities to either product. If one determines from a test patch that their skin is sensitive to this, try diluting the solution with water.

BTW, as many have noticed there seems to be a link between candida and autoimmunity (including allergies). Taking MSM in large doses (1-3 tbsp/day) completely cleared sinuses and other allergy symptoms. Some say MSM is effective against Candida so this might be one remedy to research if one wants to stay natural and avoid lufenuron. I have a "whatever works" philosophy and keep trying new things until one works well and is affordable and without ill effects. The MSM in such high doses caused me headaches so I had to stop it. Today I started molybdenum. Apparently a high sulfur intake resulting in headaches can indicate a molybdenum "deficiency".

REPLY   3      

Elephant714 (Kentucky) on 01/21/2014
5 out of 5 stars

As an adult woman I've had a few yeast infections but last year I was given some really strong antibiotics and after that I had what was a permanent yeast infection for a year. I also have a skin condition called psoriasis. I came across the possibility of a severe candida infection and began researching. I finally came across this website about Lufenuron, which is actually a veterinary drug. I ordered it online, it arrived from the Czech Republic, I was a bit concerned - but I went for it. It worked.

None of my natural remedies worked, and though I'm all for natural I cannot tell you the relief I have now. It was well worth the die-off (yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging migraine and puked my guts out) and feeling very ill for a few days. But it's been 3 weeks now and no sign of the yeast infection. I am not at all associated with this company or anything like that - but I am dedicated to sharing this info with as many people as possible so I?m trying to retrace my digital steps and visit all the forums I looked at while I was trying to find help so I could help you all.