Heavy Metal Detox for Candida

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Tirone (Los Angeles, California) on 10/13/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to comment on heavy metal detox candida and other symptoms associated.

First of all candida and parasites form a synergy with heavy metals in your body and create biofilms to shield themselves from the body's mechanisms of defense. It is scientifically proved that candida and parasites can hold even hundreds of times more heavy metals than their host. So this way their demand is always supplied by their host ( lead in apple, grape and other commercial juices, chocolate, red and white wine as well as old paints and fertilizers. Mercury in fish, high fructose syrup, amalgams and pollution from the manufacturing process and energy saving light bulbs to mention some) increase the deterioration in our health. What to do? First, identify your heavy metal toxicity sources in order to reduce or eliminate you exposure, then modify your diet to stop feeding the creepy creatures in your system, start taking supplements to reduce your parasites and candida burden, last start a meticulous chelation that starts slowly, since your candida might overgrow as you start pulling mercury and lead from within your deeper tissues to your stomach, the most recomendable therapy, in my opinion, is that of Dr Andrew Cuttler described in his book Amalgam Illness.

Please do yourself a favor before starting any chelation protocol, inform yourself well and never start an iv chelation since pulling too many metals suddenly could be dangerous for your body. :)

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Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 07/27/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Before you jump into curing your candida, try to figure out the unlying cause first. I have been trying different candida remedies...oil of oregano, parasite cleanses, cleaning up my diet...and I still suffer from all the terrible symptoms. One day I started reading out metal toxicity and how candida is farmed by the body to absorb the extra metal. So I decided to order an oral chelation kit for metal detox and something interesting has happened since. I have been on the program for about two weeks with no major physical improvements. But this morning I went to have my bi-monthly colonic and the lady who administers noticed that a LOT of yeast was coming out of my body! I do believe the metal detox is helping and the yeast is dying. Since then I have been feeling better today...more energy, slightly clearer head, and NO insane sugar cravings. If you have metal fillings like I do then you may want to seriously consider doing a metal detox and see if that helps with the candida. I plan to have my metal fillings removed when I have the money to do so. And make sure you get a good oral chelation kit, not just a cheap bottle of EDTA. Do your research...you need a good combination of other herbs as well to do a successful detox as well as a digestible antioxidant formula.