Colonics for Candida

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sarah Kay (Jerusalem, Israel) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I had candida yeast infection so bad that I landed in the hospital -- it went to my head, and ears and and eyes and...causing profuse vomiting for days. The doctors were baffled. Of course for most of them, candida is a made up illness. In NJ, doctors can't list it as a diagnosis cause it doesn't exist. No, doc, it wasn't Meniere's, or an imbalance in the ear canal nor any of the other guesses that you took, it was the genuine article: Candida Albicans. As a result of their not knowing, I went home untreated (except that the night duty nurse tried to give me the heart patient's medication) and treated it myself: I took a series of 10 colonics followed by ozone rectal insufflations which stopped the yeast dead. The ozone killed all the little nasty buggers hiding internally and flooded them with ozone/oxygen. I ate no sugar, flour, dairy or yeast products for a year. Two weeks ago I had my first dose of regular whole wheat yeasted bread and bada bing: no swelling, no itching, no bags under my eyes, no tingles. I recommend a few colonics a year followed by the ozone insufflations, just to make sure!