Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil for Candida


Showing Side Effects Reviews

Theprof (3rd World) on 11/30/2016
0 out of 5 stars

I think I have a severe Candida problem. I have a body wide, itchy rash, I get raised, oozy bumps on arms, back of neck, chest, upper back and face that cause burning and intense itch. The only relief I found for this was an otc antifungal cream. Eyes are also full of goop that strings out when I clean my eyes.

Bowels sometimes work OK, sometimes not. Sinuses are usaully clogged or I have a thin watery drip, hearing is diminished. Palms of hands have clusters of red spots below surface of skin that occasionally erupt. Almost always have brain fog and low to no energy. I feel like I've been beaten, I hurt all over. Sleep is erratic, sometimes 7 hrs, sometimes only 5 hrs, often waking in middle of the night. I never feel rested. Mood is subject to mild swings.

Problems started about 8 yrs ago after being hospitalized for a week and pumped full of steriods and antibiotics due to acute food poisoning and intestinal infection and have now reached a peak.

Two days ago I started drinking ACV (with mother)/water 3X a day and doing oil pulling with coconut oil. I also started swallowing one tablespoon of it daily (will increase this amount over the next 2 weeks) and using it in all cooking. Last night I noticed my tongue was entirely coated with thick white slime that was difficult to brush off. I have a tingling sensation all over my entire body and a constant mild headache. Sinus is now draining quite a bit of clear mucus. I noticed this morn that I now have slight lung congestion resulting in a light cough that produces a small amout of clear phelm. Stomach is bloated with lots of foul gas and I'm having soft BMs 2-3X a day. My urine is darker and has a strong bitter smell. Brain fog is much worse today. Diet is unchanged except for the addition of ACV and coconut oil and eating more raw onion and garlic. Plus I've doubled my water intake.

All I have available for use is pure coconut oil and ACV that someone brings to me.

Please, can anyone tell me if I have a severe Candida problem and if I'm doing the right thing with ACV and coconut oil?

I'm male, mid 60s, high blood pressure, PTSD.