Side Effects for Candida - Bill Thompson


Sw777 (England) on 12/30/2023:
0 out of 5 stars

I'm currently doing the Candida Protocol from the Killing So Sweetly book. However, my body does not seem to be able to tolerate the drops of Lugol's iodine and my adrenals seem to be firing on all cylinders, leading me to be constantly anxious when taking it. However, it does seem to be helping my candida symptoms.. so I want to keep taking it, I’m just worried if I do I’m messing my body up. Any one else experienced this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Bradley N. (United States) on 06/08/2020:
0 out of 5 stars


I just started Bill's candida protocol a week or two ago and I'm getting tingling and numbness in my hands and arms mostly. There is some of this in my feet sometimes too. What could I be taking (or not taking) that could be causing this?

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