Dietary Changes for Cancer

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Love (Kentucky) on 05/05/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Infinite Love & Gratitude,

Here is some good news. I know many amazing people who were diagnosed with 3 and 4 stage cancer and they are happy and living 20 plus years later. What did they do?

1. One friend had melanoma and was given six weeks to live. She immediately became a serious organic vegan. Did meditation and daily walks with her family.

2. I met a 60 year old woman at the hospital and the doctors told her she had a few months to live. She said, bull----... I have grandkids to raise. She changed her diet and is alive 25 years later.

3. Don't get angry or scared, get busy and heal your life and body. Forget what the doctors say, cancer is big business.

4. Expect to live and if you don't make it, become excited about your next journey. Humans are conduits of energy and we never die. Stop making dealth horrible! Its just another amazing journey, expect the best and be grateful.

Love you, Love-

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Heather (Claremore, Oklahoma) on 07/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

This email is for Fran from Montreal, Canada. I read your email in the oil-pulling information, and you said that your daughter has cancer. I don't know a whole lot about cancer, and honestly I'm sure that you know more than I do. My stepfather was diagnosed with colon cancer about three years ago, and was able to get rid of it in two weeks, in all honesty. My mother gave him a STRICT diet according to the book, The Maker's Dietby by Jordan Rubin. She made sure he ate a lot of lemon-water (no sugar, obviously), avacadoes, guacamole included, tabouli, and other things. She abolished anything with sugar from his diet, and gave him Fiji water (I don't know if it helps tremendously, but when we tested it, the pH level was 9.) I don't want to write too much in this little message, I just want to strongly urge you to seek out that book, if you haven't already learned everything it has to say. I hope your daughter is doing well, and I'll keep you in my prayers.

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