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Susan Jones (Uk) on 01/21/2018:
I agree with P. Ragahvan's alkalizing protocol for cancer - it is pretty much what we followed for my daughter when she had cancer. However, I would add to the protocol broccoli sprout juice - she drank 60ml per day and her 2 month scan showed her to be completely free of cancer. Since my daughter recovered, I have spoken to several people who used only broccoli sprout juice (and didn't follow the rest of the protocol) and seemed to heal using only this combined with alkaline forming food.
When I researched what could help my daughter I discovered that broccoli sprout juice seems to be almost a miracle cure for cancer with over 1000 research studies showing positive effects of sulforaphane on cancer.
Now I was scared at the time and didn't just trust the juice alone, so I will never know if it would have worked for her without anything else, but I do think that broccoli sprout juice should be listed as a separate item as a remedy for cancer on this forum.