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Marjolein (Egypt) on 08/06/2017:
Black seed oil 400mg
3 years ago I've been suffering with my health, was tired all the time and could do nearly nothing and lots of headache. Went to do several tests and also a blood test which said I had neutropenia and then they advice me to do an bone marrow punction as they thought I had leukemia. I was 25y and didn't want to do this and didn't want to admit to it and totally went into the net to see what I could do and then I started with black seed oil capsules 3 times a day (400mg each) combined with vitamines b and magnesium and CBD oil twice a week. Also I quit with the hormones ( birth control) now 3 years later I feel as a different person! I play squash again and feel active and I do have energy. Last month I have done again a blood check and all is back to normal! Till now I still take 3 times a week the black seed oil caps and vitamins and also I started last week with baking soda just to to stay hopefully in good shape for always.
Unfortunately cancer is such a terrible disease no one wishes for even his enemy. Fortunately their is hope for a cure. I will briefly explain a case I personally heard about. It's happened that a family was desperate for their about 12 year old son's cure from brain cancer. They unintentially came across my husband in trying to find someone who might have any clue as to what might help, since they tried everything but to no avail. He advised them to try Black Seed oil(Nigella Sativa). They didn't have anything to lose since they were giving up hope in saving their son. So they tried it, by taking 3 capsules ever meal, so that's 9 total a day. I forgot to mention that he had a lazy eye due to his condition. His eye started opening up the first week of trying this remedy. Anticipating, the adolescent continued his routine appointment and astonishingly Dr. tested him and amazingly found him to be cancer free. The total time it took for this remedy was a month and a half.