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Robert S. (USA.) on 08/30/2021:
You would be better off injecting any accessible tumor with sodium bicarbonate directly. This has been proven the most effective way of dealing with tumorous cancers, if you can not inject it, just saturate the tumor with it and it will shrink by appx 1/2 in 3-4 days and be gone shortly thereafter.
This was first published by an Italian, but don't have his name in font of me at the moment.
Robert Henry (Ten Mile ,tn) on 12/17/2013:
You can buy whatever syringe you want at the local farmers Co-op along with DMSO, MSM, and parasite insecticides that only your MD can prescribe for you. We just had a church friend pass after Vanderbilt threw everything they had in their arsenal at him. It was jus the same stuff that they have been doing for the last 50 years, only more powerful. The cancer on his neck was as big as your fist. Why not fill that thing with a high pH solution like Baking Soda? No, they allowed the tumor to grow until he could not breath. His funeral is this Sat.
He was a Viet veteran and agent orange is the suspect origin. We are all undergoing the same treatment only it is called Round-up. All the farmers in East Tenn are using it twice in a crop cycle. First, to kill all the grass prior to planting and then when they want to reap the crop, they spray the soy beans or the corn. All cooking oils are from GMO plants except a few and now Big Agri is bastardizing those. The remove the oil from the peanuts and sell that expensive oil separately. They then substitute cheap GMO oils in the peanut butter. Doubt me? Read the label.
Excuse my rant, but if you watched the movie " The Last Angry Man", then you know me. Our world has tuned from love your neighbor, to total greed. The Lord is coming soon and he will just leave a greasy spot.
Tell us if you decide to address a tumor by injecting baking soda. That will be eye opening and stir the world.
=========OLE ROBERT HENRY===========
Kevin (Oakland, Ca) on 09/20/2012:
Bill (San Fernando, La Union, Philippines) on 10/31/2009:
Here’s the link to the patent site: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1677811.html
I’ve also posted about a similar Molasses/Bicarb remedy on Earth Clinic. This includes a link to a personal testimonial and health log of a man who used this remedy for prostate/bone cancer with successful results.
Both of these remedies appear to have potential uses beyond cancer therapy.
Mary (Los Angeles , CA) on 11/13/2008:
Here in the U.S. it is difficult to find a doctor who would want to do such a thing. He said that fungus is white and so are yeast infections and so are Cancer lumps, thursh and so on. Cancer is a fungus.
When he injected the baking soda to the Cancer lumps it killed the fungus and the Cancer immediately. Dr. Ted can you give any information on this?
Thank you,
roseroberta (Roseville, MN) on 04/27/2008:
I have a cat who has incurable cancer. We are going to inject it into the site. I will print here how it goes.I myself have just started doing the ACV and honey with Baking Soda I may try also adding the Coconut oil. I would be interested in hearing from others, but don't want my email address hooked to a spider. Cheers.
C (Ohio) on 03/28/2008:
The spot on his side was a bit less than a quarter and about the thicknesses of 3 quarters. It definitely needed attention. It first reduced in height and then started shrinking circumference. It did go through various stages that looked really bad. At times I wondered what was going on. (Note: It is not a process without pain.) It was working and so my husband wanted to keep on going with it. We kept making sure the bandage was changed. He was also taking baking soda internally for a while but then stopped that. By the end of March it is basically gone. The area has a bit more healing to do but that just takes time.
The plus's of this are so wonderful. 1. No surgery!!!! 2. No dealing with the side affects of surgery - like as muscle that doesn't work as good because it was cut. 3. It only cost the price of baking soda, glycerin and band-aides. 4. Peace of mind.
We do realize that the fungus can still be in the body. He is trying extra strong oil of oregano to kill any remaining fungus infection. But that is another story.