Baking Soda and Maple Syrup for Cancer

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Shari (Florida) on 01/25/2025:
5 out of 5 stars

dir="">Baking Soda and Maple Syrup

I used this to treat my breast cancer with success. Some people are putting the wrong amounts in these comments. It is one part baking soda to 3 parts maple syrup. NOT the other way around. Add one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small sauce pan. Stir briskly. Heat for five minutes. Take one to three teaspoons daily, as needed. This was based on the research of Tullio Simoncini, a former Italian physician known for alternative medicine advocacy. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth. He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate in combination with a sweetener. The sweetener is the trojan horse so to speak, which gets the cancer/fungus to take in the sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate has been know to treat thrush in babies for years. Thrush is also a fungus. Many people are having success by ingesting the sodium bicarbonate/maple syrup and letting it dissolve under their tongue, This sublingual way of taking it, allows it to get directly into your bloodstream, therefore bypassing digestion. Make sure to let it dissolve under your tongue.


Vikki (Seattke) on 09/15/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I hope this is ok, I don't have a suggestion but a question. I am treating my dog with lymphoma and would like to know if I have to cook the concoction or can I give it raw. I think the honey would be more beneficial if raw and I am mixing it with raw liver. Many of the recipes seem to say it should be cooked. Thank you!

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Mikeclu (Waco, Tx.) on 07/29/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

It does work. I am proof of that.

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Mikeclu (Waco, Tx.) on 07/15/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I am doing the baking soda and maple syrup. I do once a day b4 I go to bed.

One teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate soda (arm and hammer pure baking soda), one teaspoon of organic maple syrup, and a cup of warm water.

I have been doing this so far for a month. when I started my psa was 48.19, it dropped to 36.2 just in one month. I am going to continue this until my psa drops to 0.0 .I also have ph level strips, and I check my ph twice a day for my urine and saliva. I am very happy that everything is going in the right direction.

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Ryan (England) on 04/30/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, you can use it. Here are the instructions on how to take it:

1. Buy sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

2. Buy pH test strips (available in some chemist and online).

3. Mix 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and 1 teaspoon of molasses in a half-pint glass of water.

4. Drink this once a day for 5 days (2 hours before or after a meal).

5. During this period, test your pH often (both your saliva and your urine). Your pH must be brought to the normal alkaline level of 7.2 - 7.5. This level should cause cancer cells to go dormant.

6. On day 6, increase the dosage to 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate and drink it twice a day. (You may begin to feel a little nauseous or queasy, and your stool may become yellowish. This is expected. It means the cancer cells are being killed. Also, your lips may tingle and you may get Oxygen Euphoria and even a slight headache. This is also expected.)

7. On day 8, drink the solution 3 times a day until day 12. (You may get some diarrhoea and feel a little weak. You may also get night sweats. This is expected. If you feel the side effects are too strong, you can always go back to taking the solution twice a day and when the symptoms lessen, go back to 3 times a day. Experimentation is fine—listen to your body; it will tell you when to back off.)

10. On day 12, if you believe you are cured (see the doctor at this point to see if the cancer has gone) you can stop taking the sodium bicarbonate. But if you think you ever need a “tune-up” for cancer at any time, repeat all the above steps.

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Ning (Springfield, Missouri,usa) on 02/17/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Hello!!! This is a follow up on my previous message, anyway, my husband had another MRI test last FEB. 10, 2011 and just today(feb 17, 2011) we went to see the Doctor for the result. The Doctor said its GOOD NEWS , the black mass on my husband's spine didnt grow anything , another MRI follow up after a yr, I'll keep you guys posted and for the time being, I'll let my husband continue to take the baking soda/maple syrup and 14 apricot seeds a day. Thnx for all the comments abt maple syrup and apricot seeds. GOD BLESS everyone.. Thnx ED....

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Kate (Henderson, Nv,usa) on 12/15/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I just want to share a testimony of my father-in-law and his friend how they got cured of cancer using maple syrup and baking soda. My father-in-law was diagnosed with prostate cancer and my husband's friend told him of this successful cancer cure. The thought of going through chemotherapy and radiation at his age, 83 years old, didn't really appeal to him so he tried it. In two weeks, cancer is gone and even had another doctor checked it out. My father-in-law shared this with an 80 plus year old with pancreatic cancer who was told by doctor to "settle his affairs" coz he'll be gone soon. He did this, pancreatic cancer gone.

So cancer is not to be dreaded nor it's gonna cost you money-unless you want to help the 200 billion dollar cancer industry which they have no intention of defunding or finding real cure. Remember, our body produces liquid sodium bicarbonate to make our body alkaline. It does work. For formula, you can check online, search at yahoo baking soda/maple syrup cancer cure and it will give you websites to go to. God bless.

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Rathmussen (Montreal, Canada) on 03/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

There is a lot of talk nowadays about cancer being caused by fungus, viruses or bacteria. I do some technical writing for research scientists and it seems more and more likely that a lot of supposed genetic diseases may be triggered by microbes (MS, Parkinson's, ALS, IBS) so it wouldn't surprise me if this were the case. (There's even a bacteria from chickens that might be playing a role in obesity!). That cancer cells usually have a strong presence of microbes is certainly suggestive, but this could also be an indication of opportunistic micro-organisms easily holing up in already damaged cells. This is, after all, how the common cold works-- they crawl into weak cells to multiply. Of course in the end, we are purged of damaged cells faster than our immune system could have gotten rid of them.

Most of us, even the healthiest of us, have random cancer cells that our immune system can recognize and whisk away. So it stands to reason that staying as healthy as possible, and helping our natural immune defense is essential for both longevity and quality of life. Eat a lot of raw unprocessed foods and consume small amounts of sugar (cancer cells thrive on sugar and consume many times more than an average cell. In fact, vitamin C is more potent with low blood sugar levels).

I came across this home remedy that uses cancer's predilection for sugar and the power of baking soda (that we have learned so much about here!). Apparently, by warming maple syrup with baking soda, the molecules combine somewhat and when the cancer cells try to suck up the sugar they get a mouthful of baking soda.

Directions: Mix one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir briskly. Heat on low heat for five minutes. Take one teaspoon daily, as needed. (You have to give your body a break from baking soda sometimes, and apparently some baking soda might have aluminum, so try to find a high-grade product)

If I had cancer, I would try everything, including chlorine dioxide (MMS), and I would weigh my options with my doctor. This is such a politicized topic and conventional treatments can work. Chemotherapy gave my mom 10 years after breast cancer, but it had a horrible impact in her treatment of colon cancer. We were told after the operation that there was a little bit that had spread to a lymph node and doing chemo was practically preventative. At the end of the course of chemo it had taken over her liver. The doctor convinced her to do another round, but one session was all she could handle and in a matter of months she was gone. I can%'t know if natural therapies would have fared any better, but I wish I had known about some of them and suggested them.

Stay positive. Take control.

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