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Whisperingsage (Northern California) on 09/07/2015:
Interesting. Also look at Centrum, America's most well known multi. Not only does it have puny amounts of nutrients, but read the label, Talc is in it's list of inert ingredients. That's why it's white and not yellow or green, indicating some real nutrients.
Women have been warned to immediately stop using talcum powder around their genitals, as new research suggests particles may travel to the ovaries and trigger a process of inflammation that allows cancer cells to flourish.
Previous studies have raised concerns over talc, but the latest findings suggest that women who use it are 40 percent more likely to get ovarian cancer.
Experts studied more than 3,000 women and found using talc merely once a week raised the risk of ovarian cancer by 36 percent. The danger rose to 41 percent for those applying powder every day.