ACV, Molasses, Ginger, Castor Oil Packs for Bursitis

5 star (3) 

Sandra (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 09/23/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Diane, I used 2 Tbsp. of Organic Apple cider vinegar and 1 Tbsp. of Blackstrap Molasses every morning and I felt better in 4 days. I also did a castor oil pack which I took a old face towel put castor oil on it and placed it directly on my hip and placed a plastic bag over the towel and put a heating pad on top for 40 minutes each night for a week. I cut fresh ginger root and put it in a pitcher of water in the frig and drank it a few times a days but I always did that one. I still take the ACV and Blackstrap daily and I have not had any pain. I hope this answers your questions, you can reach out to me anytime. Let me know if it works for you. God bless you as well.

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Sandra (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) on 06/18/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Today I went running and I'm not feeling any pain, I highly suggest this remedy to anyone who is suffering with bursitis.


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Sandra (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) on 06/16/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had left hip bursitis (very painful) since March 2015 and the doctors have not helped at all. 2 different doctors, 2 MRI's, 1 x-ray and a lot of another pills including pain pills that only take the edge off and it is going worse. So last night I did the castor oil pack and took the ACV with Blackstrap molasses and I also used them both today and the pain is 70% better. I also bought fresh ginger root, peeled it, cut it into chunks and put it in a gallon water jug and drink it a few times a day. I will continue this and I will definitely keep everyone undated on my progress. So far so good.
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