Oregano Oil for Bronchitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Chloe99 (Seattle, Wa) on 02/21/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Had bronchitis and felt like I was on the verge of pneumonia 2 weeks ago.... very, very sick with lots of phlegm in my lungs. Taking OTC meds and nothing was working very well. Was on verge of going to a Dr, but wanted to make a last ditch effort. A friend recommended that I try Oil of Oregano. I bought the capsules. 460mg. took it in the evening and the NEXT MORNING I felt 80% better! Couldn't believe it!! I then took 2 per day for 7 days (1 am and 1 pm) and I am 100% cured. This is truly a miracle supplement! xoxo Chloe
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Phil (Philippines) on 03/14/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I've had problems with bronchitis for several years. One time it got so bad and I looked for cures in a natural health book. It mentioned oregano would heal it. I went to a health food store and got some oregano pills called oregasyn. It worked very well, almost too well. The phlegm came out very quickly. I found oregamax works more gently. When I can't get them, I tried McCorrmick ground oregano in water and it works pretty well but you have to drink a cup every few hours. In the Philippines, oregano leaves are boiled in water and the leaves are squeezed for the juice and one cup is drunk once a day for three days. That has sometimes been enough for me.
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Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 02/15/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I'm returning to Earth Clinic to share what Oil of Oregano has done for my family in the past 6 months! I also want to give thanks to God :)

I had a cracked tooth start hurting, extremely sensitive to cold. I knew it was infected, and it throbbed almost constantly. I began apply oil of oregano diluted in cold pressed olive oil to the gum two - three times daily. This immediately took down the pain each time I applied it. By the end of the week the pain was completely gone, giving me time to get to a dentist.

My husband caught a cold this winter, and after a week of it came down with bronchitis. He refused to try my Oil of Oregano! Stubborn guy that he can be ;) But after two weeks of coughing he relented one night and I started him off on 2 drops under the tongue three times daily. Within 24 hours he reported "feeling better overall with more energy". Within two weeks his cough was completely gone, then we stopped the regimen.

I began feeling a sore throat coming on. My daughter had one as well. I took one little drop of Oil of Oregano and put it in some water and had her drink it before bedtime. I took mine straight, I like the taste. I held 3 drops under the tongue for a bit, then began swishing it in the mouth and swallowed. After one more time of this, sore throat totally gone.

I have a compromised immune system and I'm extremely grateful and impressed by how well the Oil of Oregano has helped me and my family. It's nice to go to my cabinet instead of the doctor.

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Sandy (Marion, IA) on 06/10/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I live in the MidWest. My bronchitis and allergies all began when I was exposed to the chemicals of crop-dusting about 20 years ago. Immediately, I felt my lungs crystalize and started wheezing. I went to the Dr. the next day and was dianosed with "chemically induced bronchitis". It was downhill after that...years of battling the bronchitis every fall and spring using antibiotics. Then it got where I began having allergic reactions to many prescriptions and OTC's. My husband happened on to wild oregano a couple of years later and it was sweet relief from the bronchitis and help with my allergies!! A couple of years ago I found the _____ [Mangosteen] juice and started drinking it. I take them all year around because of my allergies. When I start to get a sinus migraine headache, I increase my dose and it doesn't materialize, as long as I catch it in the beginning stages. Hope this is of some help also!
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Robert (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 11/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Oil of Oregano and Bronchitis. My chest was stuffed up for a couple of years. Don't like to go to the doctors. I heard about Oil of Oregano. I was taking two drops under my tongue twice a day for about two weeks. Within two days I could not believe the differance. I can breathe freely again without coughing. This was about two months ago. I also stopped smoking after 35 years 3 weeks ago and I cannot tell you the improvement in my health.

Last year I started to get boils about three to four a month. Started to take turmeric (capsul form)it took care of the boils. I've been taking one capsul every day since and not had any outbreaks until I take a break for a few days from all supplements, vitamins and the turmeric. I then feel a boil coming on and resume my regimine and feel fine after a couple of days.

REPLY   5      

Jennifer (Albuquerque, NM) on 12/03/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I tried ACV, the spicy tomato tea, the onion halves with brown sugar, and the garlic soup. Especially the tomato tea and ACV brought some temporary relief from a month-long cough and sinus congestion that I'd had almost as long. As far as I'm concerned, though, the #1 choice and remedy should be Oil of Oregano. I bought a jar last Tues. and began taking three per day with meals. I am so encouraged and feel at least 95% well again. After doing some research on it I now know that this is an amazing product! Perhaps it doesn't work the same for everyone but it has done so much for me in six days. I've also been using a good quality colloidal silver in a nasal spray bottle. This has probably worked alongside the Oil of Oregano for the sinus congestion. It cured a month-long cough/bronchitis and sinus congestion. I'm wondering now if I could have increased the dosage of Oil of Oregano to say four a day. I've stayed at 3/day since I couldn't find any info. to let me know if more would be too much of a good thing. Any thoughts on that?