Vitamin C And Lysine for Broken Capillaries

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Suse (London) on 05/17/2018
1 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have broken capillaries on my ears and it looks awful :(

I have been taking 1000mg each of vitamin C tabs and L Lysine (2 of each) morning and night for nearly 2 weeks now. However, they don't seem to be helping :( any suggestions??

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Earthgirly (Mays Landing, Nj, Usa) on 03/10/2012
1 out of 5 stars


I would like to warn people about lysine in excess. I was taking a lysine pill multiple times a day having read about it here... And it apparently depleted my Vit B6 levels to the point where I had massive PMS and a few pimples (I never break out). This made me very high strung and depressed and I was not able to cope with anything and eventually had a nervous breakdown. I woud suggest not going to extremes or recommending extreme measures for what is after all a cosmetic problem that can be covered with powder or makeup. As an example Bare Escentuals sells a Redness Remedy powder with lysine that can supposedly cover and heal veins. This is a lot safer than megadosing with lysine pills.
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Aginto (Toronto, On) on 04/19/2010
1 out of 5 stars

I have had broken capillaries around my nose from as far back as I can remember. I think I got them from picking at little tiny blackheads on my nose when I was an obsessive teenager. I've used concealer and foundation in various strengths over the years and I am just tired of covering it up, or looking like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. There is nothing in the world like beautiful skin that's got absolutely minimal make-up on it. Oddly enough, I'm a make up artist, but having excellent skin and wearing minimal make-up is very important to me.

I'm now in my 30's. I do have very minor skin unevenness and a few little broken capillaries on my cheeks that you can't really notice unless I puff my cheeks out. I am taking better care of my skin than ever... but these pesky broken capillaries are making me crazy!

I tried the Vitamin C and Lysine thing... I was taking Vitamin C anywhere from 5000mg to 8000mg a day, with 3000 or 4000mg of Lysine (both spread out throughout the day) for about 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't notice a speck of difference. Maybe my body was really depleted and needed it for longer, so I'm starting it again and I'm going to see how much longer I need to go before I see results.

I also read a lot about Vitamin K. In Canada you can't buy a Vitamin K... you need a prescription for it (it's a coagulant) and in skincare, the strongest you can get it is 1%.

I recently found a seller on eBay who was selling 100mg Vitamin K capsules so I'm hoping they make it through the border okay. I also found another seller who is selling a face cream that is 5.5% Vitamin K. I recently bought a 20% Vitamin C face cream. I bought these all based on what I read here about the combined use of them and how it helped so many people with their broken capillaries.

I also bought organic oranges and yoghurt to make the Bioflavanoid Brew which I put together I guess it wont be ready for a few more days, but I do have Citrus Bioflavonoid pills to get me through.

I'm very excited to try this regiment and see the results I have been wanting for years!
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Amanda (Davenport, Iowa, United States) on 12/16/2009
1 out of 5 stars

I tried 4 grams vitamin c and 4 grams of lysine daily for one month and saw no results for my broken capillaries.
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Amy (Charlotte, US) on 04/22/2009
1 out of 5 stars

Nay - I tried 4 mg of Vitamin C and 3 mg of Lysine daily for a month and did not see any positive results for my broken capillaries. I am not going to continue on this treatment. I am disappointed that it didn't work since a couple others had posted positive results.
REPLY   6      

Tara (San Francisco, CA) on 11/08/2007
1 out of 5 stars

This is feedback for the VITAMIN C AND LYSINE COMBINATION treatment for broken capillaries. I've had a few broken capillaries since childhood - around the nose from excessive nose blowing due to hay fever, a small one under an eye, and one on a finger. For about 2 years I was taking 1-2 grams of vitamin C per day as a general health booster and one standard lysine pill (can't remember the dose) per day to prevent cold sores. I didn't notice any change in the broken capillaries. My doses were a lot lower than yours, but I took them for such a long time that you'd think there'd be some improvement. Oddly, the broken capillary on my finger disappeared spontaneously a few years after that. Lysine and vitamin C are both cheap though, so it's worth a shot. But if you try it, I'd recommend taking the huge doses described.