Watch Your Sugar Intake! for Boils

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Sage (DETROIT, Michigan) on 09/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

re: Turmeric works but not with a lot of Sugar consumption. Thanks to this site,' Turmeric has helped alleviate my boil problems in the past. However after a recurrence last month, I was reminded that sugar does inhibit the immune system. I ate some cotton candy (Straight spun sugar), and four boils popped up in the groin area two days later. I have already cut out pop/soda drinks which helps. Again I was reminded that plenty of water, fresh fruits, and veggies help keep the boils away. I know now that I am asking for problems when I consume too much sugar (also candy) and baked sweets. I hope that this helps others and I am very thankful for this site.