Vitamin D for Boils

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Julian (Bathurst , NSW Australia) on 03/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

A common factor for most of the boil sufferers is the time of year, late winter when Vit D reserves are at their lowest. Vit D is a necessary part of the immune system. The Vit D Council (Google it) gives free information on doses and some amazing facts on its effectiveness for many ailments. I have used Colorless Iodine for unbroken skin pimples or puncture wounds for years and never get infections, Betadine for scrapes and scratches.Castor oil for sun blemishes, age spots and sun cancers. I work outside, get plenty of those. Used to get boils before I found Colorless Iodine, its getting hard to find (not much profit?) but some chemists will make it up.