Ivory Soap for Boils

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Kristina (Waukesha, WI) on 03/20/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Here is yet another of my grandma's remedies, although she wasn't what I would have called a naturalist. She had a very painful boil on her armpit that the doctor was going to lance if it didn't break by a certain day. Well, this frightened her so she went in a very hot shower with a bar of Ivory brand soap (she always swore by this brand for ailments and always kept a bar handy) and rubbed that boil up and down with the soap. It burst after I don't know how long. My theory besides the hot water is that Ivory soap dries the skin and makes it constrict, therefore bursting it. But grandma swore something in the soap was helpful, I don't know what, and maybe it drew the boil to a head. I love this site and am so indebted to its creators! Thank you!