Breakfast Cereal for Boils

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Peter (Nelson, New Zealand) on 08/01/2008
5 out of 5 stars

My ten year old son over a period of about three months was suffering from boils around his rectum and after taking antibiotics which cured the problem for a week they returned. He returned to the doctor and was scheduled to have the boils lanced and kept like that for a couple of weeks to remove the staff infection. I asked a friend who had been a surgeons assistant during WWII if he had any answers. His reply was that during the war the soldiers suffered from boils and that the doctors of the day did not know whether it was due to hygiene or diet. I knew that it was not my son's hygiene and earlier that same friend had given me a breakfast recipe that he had found beneficial to his health through the years. I had to remove some of the ingredients to get my child to eat it but to my astonishment within the week his boils had disappeared never to reappear.

This worked for my son. I hope that it will work for you.

2 cups Rolled oats
2 cups museli
1 level desertspoon brewers yeast
2 level desertspoons wheat germ
3 cups of milk

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and leave overnight in the refrigerator. Serve the following morning.(Serves 3 to 4)
All ingredients were purchased from Binn Inn in Nelson, New Zealand as they appeared to have the best quality available.
I fed my child this everyday for a week and a couple of weeks after that then he lost interest in the breakfast. He hasn't had any boils since. You should expect results within the week.