Liposomal Vitamin C for Blood Poisoning

5 star (1) 

Toni (Uk ) on 06/13/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently lay in hospital at death's door with sepsis and necrotising fasciitis. I was told it is rare to get it but even more so to survive. Large amounts of flesh were removed resulting in massive wounds.

During my recovery I took 2 sachets of Liposomal vitamin c a day. I am diabetic I.e. By all means should be a slow healer and I am in my sixties.

The consultant who specialises in wounds told me he had worked in this field for 30 years and had never seen anyone heal as fast as me. I do not see myself as super woman, I most defiantly put this down to the Liposomal vitamin C.

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