Sodium Citrate for Blood Clots

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Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 05/30/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Sodium citrate did help me greatly after having my blood drawn 2 months ago which resulted in what felt like painful clots in my left withdrawal arm and a kinked feeling on left side of my heart.

I started taking the sodium citrate and my clot pain stopped (clots cleared) and the kinked feeling left within 2 days.

Tumor cyst cheese theory and sodium citrate progress

Before or with meals and snacks (4 times per day) I still take 1/2 level teaspoon of the surfactant sodium citrate. It's used as an anticoagulant in blood products. Also, it removes calcium scale from boilers without shutting them down. It also melts cheese without heating it when making nacho and mac & cheese sauces.

I have a cyst that seems to or may have shrunken a little, gotten a little flatter and softer since I started taking sodium citrate on April 7th, 8 weeks ago as of today, June 3rd. It's hard to tell thus far. I will keep this post updated on any more definitive progress. I buy food grade sodium citrate powder online in a one pound bag. Hopefully my theory will prove correct that sodium citrate can melt cysts or cancer tumors like it melts various cultures of cheese, and that cancers are cheeses of various cultures growing in the body.