Flax Seed Oil for Bipolar Disorder

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Magicgal (Cambridge, Ma) on 09/29/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have bipolar disorder. Being vegan, I diligently take my daily supplements. But on business trips, I don't bring flax oil which I store in fridge. I go without flax oil for 3-4 days and I become angry, paranoid, and a completely different person. As soon as I reach home and resume taking flax oil, my symptoms just vanish into thin air. So, I figure I should buy flax softgels to bring with me on business trips. As expected, my mood swings never ever come back and mess with my life.

In case you are curious, I weigh 50 kg, age 31. I take about 1-2 tablespoons of flax oil daily with my breakfast oatmeal. I also take niacin @100 mg after every meal, making around 300mg/day. I take it along with a B-complex. Both niacin & flax oil are indispensable to my normal functioning. Missing either one will set me in trouble. Hope this helps any of you.