Sulphur Burps Remedies for Burping

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Marcjnr (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/10/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I found when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I got the sulphur burps really bad (both ends) in the final month of my pregnancy. Got rid of it by taking 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a big glass of warm water twice a day kept it at bay. I burped out all the gases in the mornings & stunk out my house! By the end of the day it wasn't so smelly. By the 3rd day, it had subsided. Baking soda water works better than those off the shelf tablets that just upsets my stomach. I drink baking soda all the time now for indigestion. Give it a try, it may work for you....Cheers
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Erica (Pdx, Oregon) on 03/12/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I was sick and lethargic from my freshman to junior year of college and had these rotten egg burps. After much of my own research and NO help from doctors who diagnosed me with everything from depression to ibs to stress, I realized that I had all the classic signs, plus more of food intolerance. Particularly gluten and dairy intolerance. I started a gluten free diet and have never felt better. I lost weight, have energy, have rid myself of depression and anxiety and best of all, no more rotten egg burps. Many time the tests come up wrong... I think the best test is to cut out all sources of gluten or dairy for a week and see how you feel. You will go through a craving and withdrawl period because both gluten and dairy contain sedative opiod molecules (that's why you feel so content after eating them!) I think the rotten egg burps happen because your digestive tract has a hard time breaking them down, and ultimately that food just sits there. For me, after I realized I was intolerant, it was plain as day. I took a hard honest look at my diet and realized that more than half of it was comprised of gluten or dairy containing products. Toast or cereal with milk for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, pasta for dinner. Not to mention all of the sneaky places it hides (soy sauce, anyone?) American culture leads us to believe that we need more calcium and more whole grains (from these two sources) when in fact, they fortify these foods with vitamins wheat and dairy are coating and destroying your villi, making you unable to absorb any nutrients! They just pass right through!! And don't think that just because you aren't Celiac that you are immune to the effects of these. We've been lead to believe by doctors that so many bodily functions are "normal" when in fact they are a sure sign that your body doesn't like what you are putting into it. Gas and bloating are not normal, nor is brain fog, or extreme tiredness after a meal, nor is just peeing out your vitamins (among many other symptoms that can be cured by going gfree and dairy free). During the healing process, it is very important to supplement nutrients. But until you rid your body of these sticky, inflaming proteins of destruction, you will not be absorbing much.


I hope this has made sense and I hope all of you who are experiencing what I experienced and have been cured of (by my own doing) are looking for. The gluten free diet is definitely a learning curve but once you get over it you will be so much happier. I would not give anything to go back to the way I used to feel for a piece of bread or a pastry or pasta. There are amazing resources for going gluten free out there!
