Chiropractic Alignments for Bed-Wetting

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Cher (Milton, On) on 02/19/2017
5 out of 5 stars

My 6 yr old has had issues with not only bed wetting but also peeing her pants during the day. Many days after riding the bus, she would be soaked, including her jacket. I always put her on the toilet just before I go to bed. Her pullup would always be wet so she would pee in the toilet & then her pull up soaked again in the morning. We discovered that chiropractors can do alignments. And also my rmt is trained to do alignments. So she has done 3 treatments. As a result no daytime accidents, and her 10pm toileting has a dry pullup. Some mornings are wet & some are dry. Overall an amazing improvement almost immediately & I think we will try the honey suggestion.