Preventing BCC for Basal Cell Carcinoma

5 star (1) 

Ds (Sydney) on 09/18/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I am Australian (skin cancer capital) and a medical scientist. I have had about 60 BCCs since age 18, now aged 43. First treated through surgeries/ grafts/ MOHs, then Aldara for many years. Unfortunately before internet I didn't know of more natural options and was not told of Aldara's side effects.

If you have sun damaged skin there is good evidence now of usage of vitamin B3 and curcumin (both orally and topically), see Sydney Uni studies etc. They may also work on already established BCCs (even my very left brained doctor told me about trying these). My skin cancers have almost halted since I used these and Vit C in past years.

If you are 'told' to use Aldara, PLEASE google it! I have ended up with Parkinson's disease, unfixable vision loss, shingles/ postherpetic neuralgia (excruciating pain through 2/3 of my body), coeliac disease, skin rashes on chest and neck etc. As severe symptoms happened overnight on my last dose, I can connect the dots easily.

I tell the doctors as I don't want others to suffer, they all go into denial and cover it up (as they have prescribed it often for decades for BCC or genital warts). I post this info on medical websites and it does not get posted (they are 'selective'). I don't want others to suffer :) Better to get cut out if need (the surgeons are pretty good stitchers often! ) Otherwise use Aldara minimally. There are class action court cases.

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