Hydrogen Peroxide for Basal Cell Carcinoma

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Bill (Freiburg Germany) on 03/29/2023:
4 out of 5 stars

I have a few small areas of skin cancer on my forehead and ear, which were removed because they were cancerous. I removed one using blood-root, but it was painful and unsightly because of the color of bloodroot, but it never came back. The ones the doctor 'dug out' are coming back. The one on my ear is crusty and itchy. I've started to put 1 drop of 12% food grade H2O2 on each spot 1-2x a day. It burns + hurts about 20 minutes and then it's okay. Does anyone have other suggestions?
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JM (San Diego CA) on 05/24/2021:
5 out of 5 stars


Weird growths inevitably appear on all of us as we age. Cancerous or not, these growths are probably unhealthy and can be removed with HP. Soak any suspicious spot with HP a couple of times a day for about a week and moisturize with coconut oil.

Continue this process until no visible signs of the spot are apparent above or below the skin. Atypical growths with lingering roots usually reappear again later, so repeat this cycle.

Occam's razor: The simplest solution is more likely to be the case when compared to a complex one.

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Stephanie (Naples, Florida) on 03/28/2018:
4 out of 5 stars

I would like to ask if any hydrogen peroxide will do? I have used my hydrogen peroxide on several spots that I suspect to be skin cancer or almost skin cancer. They all are gone. I have a spot on the side of my nose and I have been procrastinating in completely treating it with HP which means I would have it bandaged and the spot might look gnarly for a week or two or so before it basically disappears. The spot on my nose is probably pre cancerous or in the earlier stages. I'm a big holistic health advocate but let's say I don't always eat like one. So, anyway, here I am trying to learn more about spraying hydrogen peroxide in my mouth and maybe the MOST discreet spot-on treatment for the side of my nose...Thank you so much in advance. Peace and Love!

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Mica (Wisconsin, US) on 03/15/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

About six or seven years ago I had a sore on my right elbow about the size of a quarter that would almost heal only to split open and start bleeding and oozing pulse again. I went to the doctor a couple of time, and each time he gave me some cream; I don't remember what but it did nothing. For two years I lived with this darn sore almost healing only to crack open and start the process all over again. One day out of frustration I put straight food grade peroxide on the sore, and it totally healed, and has never bothered me since. I don't know what that sore was but I joke with my daughter that I burned the darn thing off.
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Jake (Chicago, Il.) on 12/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have used hydrogen peroxide for skin cancers - mostly basil cells I believe, but perhaps for the more serious types, Squamous cell or even melanoma, as well. I really don't know for sure. Without question though some of the growths on my chest and on my face and on the side of my jaw bone went very deep and took many days of deep digging and bleeding to finally remove. Whenever the new skin following the scabbing turned white with reapplication of 3% h2o2, I knew the job was not finished and I had to go after the cancer again. But each time the area to be attacked was smaller and that told me not to give up, that I should persevere. Many times I thought I'd finally come upon a situation that would be my match, finally calling for medical intervention, but in each case, the cancer finally succumbed.

My latest success is on my nose. The latest scab falling off shows pink new skin with no trace of aberrant skin, and with no white skin forming with the application of h2o2. On my nose of course I was nervous and of course everyone had a comment over the month or so that it took to finally get rid of it. I did not dig deep as I did before, but just had patience, applying the h202 day and night. When a scab formed, each time I applied iodine several times to help the new skin beneath to form.

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Joellen (Nampa, Id; Usa) on 12/06/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

In response to 7-1-10 Mike, I am a true believer of the hydrogen peroxide (h202). I had a nodule on my chest for about 2 months that looked like it was a zit. A white head never formed and I was concerned, because for about 2 years I noticed a 1/2 inch freckle (for a lack of better word) that had appeared on the same spot, and then this nodule showed up in the same spot. So I looked up skin cancers and it looked identical to the Basil cell carcinoma. I tried popping it and nothing happened, so I decided to use the h202. This nodule reacted by becoming about a silver dollar size hard spot, that raised a 1/4 of an inch, this soon turned into a scab. The first day of using the H202 I used it every half hour, the next day maybe 4 x a day for about a week. Then I stopped using it and allowed it to heal, by putting neosprin on it. The scab is gone, and the skin looks almost totally healed. It has a slight dry patch. I'm going to continue the neosporin, until the dry patch is gone, and then I think I'm going to see if the h2o2 reacts again in that area.

During the use of the h202, I did notice some slight stinging, off and on, and that it itched. I also read that a vitamin c soln was good for BCC. All I had was a vitamin c tablet, that I let dissolve, and I did use that paste some. (not sure if that helped any, but I did use it a couple days before I started the h202. ) I do believe in prayer and I prayed a lot. I also believe the scripture that says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge. " and I feel God allowed me to find these websites, and He gave me this wisdom. Thank you, Jesus!

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Ron (Independence, Missouri) on 11/28/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

i find at least 1/2 of the posts are phony. pushing stuff like apple cider vinegar and iodine, etc. i had a cluster of basil cell carcinoma (bcc) on my upper lip about 1/2 in diameter. i tried a soaking of hydrogen peroxide 3%, once a day. it would turn the scabbing white and when pulled off leave a open bloody wound. it would not make it smaller. all it did was start scabbing again.

i had surgery 8-4-09 for removal. it still seems to be healing. i am at this site to learn if something does work. most of your post on bcc are older posts. i am 70 y/o. if this returns i can try something different.

thanks, ron


Will I am (Seaside, OR) on 06/25/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a basil cell carcenoma on my back for about a year.

It got a little bigger and I decided to get rid of it.

I have been using food grade h2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide (25-35%)

It burns but works great. Just use a cue tip dip it into the h2o2 and it burns the top layers of over a few weeks. It's better than the doctor and cost's about $1.00 worth of the food grade peroxide.

I will tolerate a little pain, no pain no gain.

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