Turmeric for Bartholin Cysts

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Llars (Nj) on 11/07/2017
5 out of 5 stars

While wiping myself three days ago, I noticed a smallish bump which I believe is a Bartholin Cyst after it has tripled in size and doing research. I didn’t have anymore tea tree oil in my house so I made a paste of coconut oil and turmeric, drenched a cotton ball in it and put it on the cyst. 5 hours later I came home and the cyst had popped. I cleaned the area and applied a new paste. Woke up this morning and the cyst has gone down by half. So thankful for the first person who reviewed the turmeric.
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Suzanne (Norman, Ok) on 03/13/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Tumeric for Bartholin cyst

Take 1,000 mg turmeric capsules orally daily until swelling subsides. It took about 5 days for me and the cyst is almost gone.