Tailbone Pain Remedies for Back Pain

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Beamer (Brissy) on 03/25/2021
5 out of 5 stars

2 leaves of pennywort - Centella Asiatica - a day.

Just collect them and chew them up. They have very little taste. It takes a few days to start feeling relief.

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Laura (Ortonville, Mi) on 03/20/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I broke my tailbone in high school (landed on it and snapped it playing volleyball) and it started to hurt again 20 years later. I rubbed natural muscle and joint cream into it just to take the edge off so that I could sit down. I finally had to go see a chiroprator. It took about a month of going twice a week, but it did fix the pain. When I couldn't afford to go anymore I figured out that if I sit in a chair and kind of roll my pelvis forward without moving my upper back, my tailbone cracks and releases pressure... It feels much better. I would go to a chiro, though, it helped loosen up my back.