Lifestyle Changes for Back Pain

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Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 03/21/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Similarily I suffer from poor posture from over 20 years of hunched over computer work. The solution is unfortunately not a quick fix but steps can be taken to improve the condition over time with lifestyle changes. In addition to the above recommendations I would add yoga to your weekly practice.. If you can't find a local class there are online programs and videos to help you, but a skilled yoga practitioner could give you some corrective poses. (be cautious however as many yoga poses are in fact too extreme & unnecessary) Simply placing a yoga mat near your work area (I work out of home) and taking frequent breaks by just lying on your back and doing some simple exercises and breathing can help break your routine of hunching over at the computer. Making something routine is key in correcting this... I purchased a simple chin up bar... Placing near or on the bathroom door.. And ever time I use the bathroom I give myself a body stretch... Not necessary to do a chinup but just to grab onto it and release my weight enough to stretch my spine.. In addition to the above nutrition tips I would add Natto.. (if you can enjoy its unusual consitency) In Japan it is often eaten for breakfast... (I have it with eggs when I eat them)..

here is a link about yoga & dowagers hump:

& about Natto & osteopenia

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