Apple Cider Vinegar for Back Pain

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Ryeman (Rye, Co) on 02/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My holistic chiropractor told me to use the ACV for my painful back stiffness and after several days the stiffness was gone.
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Mimmer (London, England) on 06/04/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all, I was chatting with a lady at work who suggested Blackstrap Molasses (BSM) and Apple Cider Vinegar. For a year I have suffered with constipation, bad back and general tighness of muscles in the neck area. For 20 yrs I have had trouble with fibroids (had surgery but too multiple to remove all). On 26-5-07, I bought BSM and ACV. I took it right away, doses-2 large spoons of BSM in warm water, followed by 3 tablespoons of ACV in warm water. I done this morning b4 breakfast and last thing at night. The second day on it I had a very easy bowel movement and have done everyday since. My constipation is now a thing of the past. My back (which I had to get medication from the doctors for-didnt help) was cured during the week, along with the muscle ache. I sleep deeper and dont seem to eat as much. I totally know that this 'tonic' as I like to call it will clear my fibriods eventually. I also want to see after 3months how i do as I want to give it to my Auntie for her Arthritis. I thank you all for posting your experiences as this has given me constant strength and encouragement. I look forward to this journey and please if you are having or have had VICTORY over fibriods with 'The Tonic' then please post so I can read it. I am a big beliver in foods for healing and this sure is a testament to God's produce. Smiles
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Marguerite (Staten Island, NY) on 04/29/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, maybe you might think I'm crazy, but I came onto your website just by browsing, out of sheer frustration. Two years ago I pulled neck muscles from lifting a heavy object. Finally I went to the doctor after months of suffering. He did tests and said I have degenerative arthritis in my 4-5-6 vertebra. Its been there along time with no problem, but he gave me a shot of cortisone. Ok it went away.

Now two weeks ago I again lifted something heavy like my grandchild and bingo - Ideveloped muscle spasms in my neck or pulled tendons-i don't know, but I refuse to go to the doctor. I don't like medications. The pain was unbearable. Because it activates my neck arthritis. So I came upon the site and i started taking apple cider and honey with grape juice. Also --soaking a rag in acv and putting it on my neck with a heating pad. Bingo - feels so much better. Can't believe it!

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Ropsonna (Everett, Wa) on 03/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

We use ACV for several different health benefits. ACV has become a part of our daily routine. I have a severe asthma, sinus & back pain. What it does the rest, is an extra benefit for us. We believe that it helps us tremendously.

We take 1 shot 1/2 hr before every meal. This takes care every health issues that we have. Sometimes we put some in our salad. It adds lots of flavor. For those who is overweight or maintaining your weight and want to each funk food. Taking 1 shot before each meal, is the way to go. ACV breaks down fattening food.

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Susan (Tampa, FL) on 01/03/2007
5 out of 5 stars

2 tsp honey, 2 tsp apple cider vinegar in 8 to 16 ounces of water 3 times a day cured my arthritis, back pain and allergies. I was in so much pain for many many years with severe back problems, and then 2 years ago was diagnosed with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The dr. prescribed steroids, and 2 different immuno suppressant drugs and the side effects were horrible. I could hardly get out of bed in the morning, my joints and muscles hurt so bad, i also have fibromyalgia. I started this regimen about a month ago and saw immediate results. My hay fever has cleared up also. My sinuses are dry, usually I always have a bad post nasal drip problem. I feel more energized, and my body just feels good, like it is getting what it needs.
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Cecilia (Strongsville, OH) on 06/16/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I have had chronic lower back pain for years and after taking AVC twice daily for a month I have noticed a drastic difference. I was restricted in activities and now I can do just about everything. While at the doctor's I also found out that my blood pressure dropped from 124/80 to 116/68. In January, 2006 I was diagnosed with acid reflux, which resulted with pills every day. Since taking the AVC I haven't had to take any medication for the acid reflux. I believe it has also helped with my allergies. This really is a miracle cure.
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George (Fairfield, CA) on 10/21/2005
5 out of 5 stars

I have a back problem and it got even worse when an employee that I work with pushed me from behind and I found myself on the floor in pain. Good thing there was nothing broken but it left me with a terrible back pain. I could hardly walk and if I do, it would be like a slow motion picture. I was downing anti-inflammatory 3x a day, but the doctor only recommends 2x a day. I really don't care at that time. I was also taking tylenol around 12 tabs a day plus a muscle relaxant. None of it work or if it did, it would only provide very little relief which is close to nothing. Then a friend of mine mentioned ACV and I remembered my mom telling me about that about 2 and a half decades ago. I went to the internet and found this site. I thought I would give it a try. Nothing to lose on my part, but everything to gain. The first couple of days of taking ACV, it really didn't do anything for me. But on the third day, I felt a tremendous change. My pain was almost gone. I want to mention that on the second day, I didn't stick to the 3x a day regimen for ACV. I think I drank ACV at least 7 times (3 tablespoons each dose) for the second day. When I felt my pain was almost gone, I went back to my 3 times a day. And up to now, I am still taking ACV. And I am only taking half a pill of my medication for the whole day. This miracle happen in a span of 3 days. It was like a birthday present to me because the third day was my actual birthday and I was able to entertain friends that came over. ACV is a true natural miracle. Thanks to ACV I once again have my life back. Thanks to my mom also for just being mom.
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