Rhodiola for Autism

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Fittinpieces (Hernando, Ms) on 07/24/2009
5 out of 5 stars

My son was diagnosed with Pdd-nos or asperger's syndrome which are both on the autism spectrum about 2 1/2 years ago. This came after a long battle with special needs school district, pyschiatrists, pyschologists, therapists, and his regular pediatrician all misdiagnosing him for about 3-4 years. From everything of ADHD to Bi-polar disorder, we have finally come to rest on this with all of the testing that was done. I have tried so many different prescription medications to control his anger and rage, most basically putting him in a fog through the day just so he would not hurt himself or anyone else. I know this story is long but bear with me it is important to know everything i have tried to get to here.

With appointments to 2 different DAN ( defeat autism now) doctors(with tons of bloodwork and no results or help) and a weight gain of around 80 lbs from depression on my side, I finally stumbled onto an interesting website or personal blog for ADHD. A lady was documenting her journey with her son and his struggle to remain normal (whatever that means anymore). She spoke of this herb and how it helped him. I instantly started research on the herb, nervous to give it to my 9 year old son. Well he has been taking it for 2 1/2 weeks now, and i have him completely off his medication for aggression. He only takes vitamin supplements and this herb, which is a miracle. He actually acts like a normal child now, and works things through in his mind instead of instantly attacking or throwing a temper tantrum. He no longer attacks his sisters or hurts himself if he does not get his way. He actually laughs a lot more, and he gets further in his video games without my assistance or trying to break the video game console. Amazing?!?! I think so, but i also upped his amount fish oil which i think might be a little help, but there is no way it can take all of the credit! He is taking ____ rhodiola____ ____ once a day in the morning. And i cannot wait for school to start, Maybe this year instead of being a whiz at just math he will learn to read and hopefully ride a bike and tie his shoes! Wonder herb this is!

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