Sea Salt for Atrial Fibrillation

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June (Cincinnati ) on 03/19/2024
5 out of 5 stars

I think I have written on this subject before. I have had Afib all my life. It can be caused by many things like thyroid, vagus nerve irritation, dehydration, deficiencies of various minerals, etc.

I want to share/update my story: I was using 2 tbsp of olive oil per day (calms vagus nerve), one drop of potassium iodide, adrenals, magnesium and calcium, taurine, coq 10 and b vitamins-all of which helped a lot! The medications did not help at all. Then a weird thing happened. I got acute mononucleosis at 65 years of age. I was hospitalized repeatedly because my salt levels dropped so low that it was life threatening. My Afib went absolutely crazy. I realized that salt was maybe a factor. One of the doctors said that your body keeps salt in tight control so that your heart can beat correctly. If you run low, it will take it from your bones (! ). If it can't find the salt anywhere….well you're ready to meet your maker. I never liked salt and guess I was deficient prior to getting sick.

I have recovered completely from the mono BUT I started taking 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per day. If my heart starts skipping, I immediately go for the salt or sometimes take Biolyte (a rehydration drink). This has just about eradicated my Afib. It's worth considering if you have this problem, especially with low blood pressure. Do not use processed salt. Only sea or natural salt. Hope that this helps someone out there. Can't believe it was that simple!!!! This site has been so helpful. 💚💙❤️💜