Light for Athlete's Foot

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Anonymous (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/29/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Light for Athlete's Foot

I feel like I tried everything but this irritating infection just wouldn't leave. Not for over 20 years. OTC treatments, ACV, and garlic would alleviate it temporarily but it would always return. Same with high strength isopropyl alcohol. Then I discovered that exposing the infected area to light had an impact. It would penetrate the layers of skin to get at the cause of the problem. This lessened the discomfort but again, it was a temporary fix. Until I thought that if I were to have longer term exposure to light - at least an hour at a time - it might kill off enough of the infection to make a significant dent, and with repeated 'treatments' the fungus couldn't survive, as it needs darkness to thrive. So that's what I've been doing and I think I'm finally kicking this. I do apply tea tree oil and castor oil first, then just turn on a desk lamp and position it so that the light shines on the area. Relax, maybe throw on a good tv show and/or movie. Afterwards, put on a fresh pair of socks. Repeat as necessary - daily is probably ideal. Fingers crossed that this is the solution that works - it's been the most effective for me so far and I've only done it 3-5 times. Be careful about placement of the light - don't burn yourself (or anything else)! Good luck out there.