Green Tea Leaves for Athlete's Foot

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Astre (Sweden) on 08/08/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Green tea leaves for athlete's foot (vesicular tinea pedis)

I have the vesicular infection, with small blisters that itch and burn. The blister fluid is infectious so one must not scratch the infection. Skin becomes red, itchy and scaly when blisters become engorged and burst. I have tried mutiple tubes of anti fungal cortisol creams in childhood and it treated but never completely cure it. Then I discovered green tea leaves as a remedy!

This is what I do: Chew up a few leaves (dried and not brewed) with front teeth, with minimal saliva so it becomes a thick leafy paste. Spit out carefully on index finger and apply as a layer on the infected skin. I apply thick enough to cover and often slightly larger area than the infected skin, just to make sure I got it covered! I tape over with 3M Micropore tape, it is impt for the infected skin to breathe!

The itch and burn is soothed immediately. Change paste (which dries up to little leaf bits) and tape at least everyday, or more often )when it starts to itch-burn again).

If this treatment is done promptly on day 1, it takes a few days to eradicate. For chronic infection, it took me a week or so in childhood (can't really remember, but I know I used cortisol creams for months! ) to heal completely. I applied the leaf paste for another day or two even after symptoms have completely disappeared, just to be sure... Chronic infections take a long time to treat and can bite back with a vengeance if not eradicated completely!

Not sure if tea leaf freshness and quality matter, but I always some good whole-leaf green tea in my kitchen, kept fresh in an air-tight jar. In childhood I used whole green tea leaves that had been around for over 10 years (in air tight container neverthless) and it worked. I say, try this with any whole green tea leaves, will probably work!

If you try some from a tea bag, let me know! Also, if you try other types of tea leaves, leave a msg!