Essential Oils for Athlete's Foot

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Delila (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 05/21/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered for years from smelly, itchy dry athletes foot and have had many sleepless nights itching and scratching feet to the point of bleeding. After using this treatment, my feet no longer smell or itch!! Before beginning make sure everything is ready and prepared and its best done after taking a shower or bath as its easier to remove the dead skin. Put some newspaper on the floor so as not to mess up the place. If you also suffer from fungus toes clip and file off as much of the diseased nail as possible with a nail file and then file off as much dry skin as you can with a good quality callous stone from all the dry rough areas of the feet.

Now for the treatment take 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 2 drops of teatree oil and mix with a small amount of almond oil and thoroughly massage feet for a few minutes concentrating especially between the toes and the very dry rough areas. Then take some tissue and rub vigourously feet to remove residue oil and to remove and smooth out all the dry skin. Once again take the callous stone and file off and remove any dry skin that you feel until the feet are smooth. You will see great improvement within days but repeat this treatment until completely healed and then every now and then for maintenance!!!