Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic for Athlete's Foot

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Tina (Louisville, Ky) on 06/24/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I just wanted to praise the healing effects of Apple Cider Vinegar and Garlic for my recent bout with Athlete's foot. I have never had a case before in my life, but I picked it up from my recent trip to New Orleans. It was awful. I knew it was bad to scratch but I couldn't help myself at first because it itched so bad. It was present on the top of my foot only, and the more I scratched the farther it spread. When it was approaching my toes and I saw that I was beginning to bleed I knew I had to do something. I used this site for a previous ailment that I had and it worked so I trusted the the apple cider vinegar and garlic remedy as suggested would work as well. It was also great because they were already two ingredients I had in my pantry. So at first I soaked my feet in a basin with non-diluted store brand ACV.I must say IT BURNED. I also got nervous after I saw my pickled feet and the the rashes raise up on my feet. I did this 1x/day for a couple of days and then I started to come to the last of my ACV. So I diluted about 3 cups vinegar and filled the rest of the basin with water. I reused this for about a week and then replaced the vinegar-water solution the next week. Each night prior to going to bed I sliced two cloves of fresh garlic and placed them on my feet directly on the rash areas and then put ankle socks over it so they would stay in place.WARNING-I advise not to do this during the day especially if you in public around people. I did it one time and the smell was so strong people were literally looking at me in disgust. just wear sandles during the day if you can or if you have to wear socks then I suggest sprinkling a little cayenne pepper in them (that's what I did). The combination of ACV and garlic everyday for two weeks has resulted in a DRAMATIC improvement in my feet. The skin is now smooth. I still have a couple of scabs that are still healing. I will continue this treatment until all signs of this are gone. I read how this condition can be persistent. Your feet will smell like vinegar and garlic a lot after its done but that does not compare to fungus-infected, bleeding feet! I just thought I would provide my testimony and really hope in some way this will help someone else. I know it has worked WONDERS for me. Good luck!