Natural Remedies for Astigmatism

Modified on Dec 31, 2021 | Earth Clinic Team

Sight is typically one of our most frequently used senses. As such, when your eyesight isn’t what it should be, it can be particularly difficult to adapt. Astigmatism is one of the most difficult vision conditions because it blurs your vision at all distances; however, with effective natural cures, such as eye exercises, vitamin C, and vitamin E, you can improve your eyesight and strengthen your eyes all at the same time.

What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curve of your eye which results in blurred vision. The condition occurs as the front surface of your eye has a slightly different surface curve in one direction than the other. Rather than being smooth and even, your eye has areas that are flatter or steeper.

What are the Conventional Treatments for Astigmatism?

Typical treatment for astigmatism includes either corrective lenses or surgery. Both of these options are effective, especially in conjunction with natural remedies.

Can I Improve My Eyesight Naturally?

Vision issues require specific monitoring by a qualified professional; however, there are things you can do at home to help improve your vision. Eye exercises help strengthen your eyes while nutritional supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin E help support general eye health. A regular regimen of eye exercise and good nutrition can help correct vision issues of all different types.

1. Eye Exercise

As astigmatism is an issue of focusing, retraining the focus of the eye is effective for strengthening and correcting your eyesight. To do so, try relaxing your dominant/astigmatic eye by covering it and focusing on a distant object with your non-dominant eye. Then uncover your dominant eye, and complete the exercise reversed. Do this daily for a period of 3-4 minutes, and you should see improvement in your eyesight.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an active antioxidant that helps eliminate free radicals in the eyes which may be contributing to deterioration of your vision. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75-90 milligrams daily, which you can get in supplement form or by eating fruits and vegetables.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another strong antioxidant, so it helps to combat eye issues as well. Vitamin E also helps reduce inflammation and other causes of obscured vision.

You can improve your eyesight in more ways than one, so we suggest exploring your options for treating astigmatism. Take a look at some of our other reader-contributed suggestions below or share some of your own remedies for vision problems.

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List of Remedies for Astigmatism