Mullein Extract for Asthma

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Ryanrsolano (Mckinney, Tx, Usa) on 11/22/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with seasonal asthma, and have had the same brutal cough for about 5 years. It would last for about 3 months untreated. Advair worked but I hated the side effects. Read about mullein on line 4 days ago and my cough is 85% better. The first night I took the drops my cough almost went away and I slept great for the first time in weeks. This miracle plant worked for me. I have been taking the drops 4 times a day and drinking the tea twice a day. In fact... Gonna go make a cup now :)
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Eric (Jensen Beach, Florida) on 12/24/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I came across a recent post on earthclinic. I've had a chronic cough for years. finally went to pulmonologist, who diagnosed adult onset asthma, and wanted to put me on Advair. Googled advair and it scared me. Google herbal remedies and came up with "Mullein". Bought a bottle. 30-35 drops in a little water a couple times a day. THE VERY FIRST NIGHT, i took it around 7 pm for the first time, and unbelieveably I was cough-free that night for the first time in i dont know how long. Been on it 3 weeks and its still working (as long as I take it :) ). One site said it may not work for everyone (like everything, I suppose) but it worked for me. Common herb, googleit and try it. Good luck.


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Kelly (Chicago, IL) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I have used mullein extract in the past and it has stopped my wheezing almost instantly.